Supporting Our MVPs: Most Valuable Patients
KJAN Radio Atlantic: Heartbeat Today with Jim Field and Laura Thomson
The Daily Iowan: Nonprofit gives UI Stead Family Children's Hospital patients game-day-ready hospital gowns
Iowa City Press-Citizen: How a nonprofit is bringing joy to the Stead Family Children's Hospital with custom gowns

Meet Royce: Royce was admitted to Dell Children’s on Christmas Day; when at 3 months old, just 4 weeks after his CHD diagnosis, he had gone into acute heart failure. His asymptomatic, mild mitral regurgitation had escalated to a very severe level after contracting the common cold and would need surgery as soon as possible. He received his first surgery on January 4, 2023 and experienced a pulmonary hemorrhage complication. He spent almost 7 weeks with the CCU. While he was there, he received a visit from the UT Men's Tennis Team. Click here to watch the story: UT Men's Tennis Team Meet with Patients at Dell Children's Medical Center